September 6, 2020
An Open Letter to El Ojo del Lago
To: Victoria A Schmidt, Editor-in-Chief
Via email -
Thank you for your September editorial in which you summarize how journalism has devolved over our lifetime. It is a sad but true story bringing us to where we are today. As you correctly point out, much depends on the accuracy of the news.
That challenge is even bigger than most realize. As you state, “we need to see the whole picture.” Yet, as the parable of the blind men and an elephant teaches, none of us can possibly see the whole picture. We can only do our best and learn as much as we can. Consequently, we all need to humbly listen to one another as we share what we know with an awareness of our incomplete knowledge.
And thank you for publishing my letter of July 26th. We share a concern about culture war. We share a desire for a peaceful life for all at Lakeside as do most people who live here.
John Stokdijk