During one of our deep discussions at Pranzo, I shared with David that while in therapy in Calgary a psychologist told me that I had an intense fear of being alone. That insight was helpful but David had a different perspective. He advised me to Deify Longing, to fully embrace my desire for deep connection and community. Soon thereafter, he sent me the above article, For John Seven Petals of the Rose. Deifying Longing as voiced by David Bryen will be in my head and my soul for the rest of my life.
During our last time together in the flesh, David gave me the above nineteen sheets of paper which I had scanned. This was David's rough work of what could have been a book, but he lacked the ego need to complete the task and he was a peace with its incompleteness. I think he gave a Seven Petals presentation at Open Circle, but I could not find a video.
David sent me SomeOne on December 13, 2017.
Hi John: I'm sitting in Cafe Grano, remembering that I asked you if you wanted to read SomeOne Called: The initiation of a Reluctant Mystic. Here is the first 50 pages. I've attached it, not expecting much in terms of editing other than to give you a feel for what I am aiming to accomplish. REad it at you leisure. I am not in a hurry at ally, as I am still in a major major revision and creation. Please be easy in your reading. I am sending it so that it has some air and visibility, not needing editing at this point. Please enjoy!
David sent me Blue Stone on January 16, 2018.
Hi John: I want to leave you this dramatic piece of the book. This is completely out of context so here is a brief description of its place in my whole story: Two years prior to this event, I dreamed of a small blue stone that was given to my by my "Grandfather'" I was told to find the stone and make a ring out of it. I scoured the known world to find the stone to no avail. One day, two years later, a woman client who was part Native American came to my office and gave me that stone. It was the very stone I dreamed. You will read in the book more about the stone and its teachings, but here it is just important to know that a friend I'd met at a men's conference was writing a book "Endangered People" and shortly after I explained the stone and the subsequent teachings I received, he called me from Paris, France where he was meeting with some Aboriginal elders. He told Pauline about this strange fellow in the states who claimed to have a magic stone. She said: "Bring that fella over with you when you come." Two weeks later, Art Davidson and I met in Sydney Australia to take another airplane to Baryugal Australia to spend two weeks with the Aboriginals.
What follows is one of the most marvelous dialogues I've ever had with a people not of my own.
Hoping to keep you interested,
David sent me these pages on February 2, 2018.
Great talking John. These pages were written in 2003 and reflect my thinking and integration at that point 12 years ago. the detals have not changed but my understanding has increased from that point. Read this as an accurate rendition at that point in my history.
You also wanted reference to my thesis. Here it is: http://www.recoveringgrace.org/2014/12/ibyc-according-to-bryen-1975/
Read it and weep!
The link to David's thesis dated June, 1975 works.