February, 2014

February is not a typical month at Lakeside and consequently not for me either. Because it is the peak season for snowbirds, there are more people, more traffic and more activities. And although the weather here is great year round, February is probably best, bright sunshine almost every day and not yet too hot.

Saturday, February 1

The restaurants here have enough ethnic variety to make dining out interesting. Today we enjoyed a tasty meal at Simply Thai. It is currently ranked #12 of 78 on tripadvisor but some on the list have closed or changed names which brings the accuracy of the information into question.

Sunday, February 2

This is Superbowl Sunday and I always watch the big game. But this year it was a total disappointment, perhaps the worst Super Bowl ever. Instead of the expected great game between two great teams, it was completely one-sided and lacked entertainment value from start to finish.


Monday, February 3

On Monday’s Pat washes clothes and I cook dinner. I have agreed to do so once a week to share the workload. I am a mediocre cook but I usually enjoy this task. I like looking for recipes and trying new ideas. Today I made a potato crust quiche and passed the “make again” test.

Tuesday, February 4

As we often do, we walked to Ajijic which takes about forty-five minutes. We ate lunch at Richie 88, one of our favorite spots for lunch. The staff are very friendly and recognize us as regulars.

For the first time we attended a Lifelong Learning: Neill James Lectures at the Lake Chapala Society (LCS). The lecture was entitled "Basic Values: Conservatives versus Liberals - How can intelligent, well-read, rational conservatives and liberals disagree so completely on important issues?”  presented by  Rick Rhoda. It was excellent, even better than I had expected. 

I requested, and later received, the lecture outline from the presenter. There are several areas touched upon which I would like to study in greater depth. I particularly hope to find time to study the work of Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist. No surprise to anyone who knows me well, my dominant moral values clearly place me in the liberal camp. The Lakeside area is intellectually very stimulating and this contributes significantly to the reasons I enjoy living here.

Wednesday, February 5

Our maid comes on Wednesday mornings and we usually plan to be away from our home while she cleans. Pat sometimes waits for her arrival in order to practise a little Spanish. There are pros and cons to having a maid.

We walked the forty-five minutes to Ajijic, had coffee at Café Grano, ate lunch at Lauri’s and walked home.

Thursday, February 6

Another LCS activity which we tried today for the first time is THURSDAY FILM AFICIONADOS which shows recently released movies. Attendance is open to members only and is free. Today the room was full with about 50 to 60 people.

We watched Blue Jasmine, directed by Woody Allen and starring Cate Blanchett and Sally Hawkins who have both been nominated for Oscars. We greatly enjoyed the story, the characters and the deep themes. Afterwards the event coordinator assured the audience that next week’s movie, American Hustle, would be even better.

Friday, February 7

We experienced an evening of Mexican music, the Gala de del Mariachi at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta. The event was held on the terrace overlooking the lake. Enjoying outdoor activities with pleasant temperatures is part of the attraction of this area.

As we arrived a couple we know waved at us and we joined them at their table. Lakeside is a small enough community that bumping into people we know is not unusual. When this happens it gives me a real sense of belonging here.

Pat and I agreed that the music was loud, lively and harsh. We want to try many different activities here at least once. We were glad we went to this event but it is not one that we will do often.

Sunday, February 9

At about 10:30 we began our walk to Ajijic. We stopped for Sunday Brunch at Maria Isabel, a new restaurant located where the Old Posada was. The history of this building goes back to 1530 when the Spanish settled in the area. The location is excellent, on the lakeshore. The food was okay but not great.

Next we attended the 5th Annual Ajijic Jewish Film Festival at the Cinemas del Lago in the Plaza Bugambilias. The festival shows a film each Sunday afternoon in January and February. Today the presentation was “The Other Son”. The storyline was a switched at birth occurrence but far different than the Hollywood version. This incident was the inadvertent switching of Palestinian and Jewish babies during the confusion of a hospital evacuation necessitated by an outburst of violence. It was a powerful story of the aftermath of the discovery of the error by the 18 year old son of an Israeli army officer which forces the two families to reassess their respective identities, values and beliefs.

We had a brief discussion with Mel Goldberg who was promoting his book, Catch a Killer, Save the World at the film festival. Pat bought a copy. This author clearly knows Jewish history. In response to my question regarding a source for an objective history of the Middle East that is fair to both Jewish and Palestinian viewpoints, he replied that he did not know of any. This individual is a good example of the many interesting people that live in the Lakeside area.

We bumped into another couple we know and chatted with them for a while. Pat and I stopped for a drink at the Peacock Garden, an appropriately named restaurant. By then it was late afternoon and we walked home.

Monday, February 10

At mid-morning we again walked to Ajijic. Our first stop was Café Grano for cappuccinos and to buy coffee beans. Pat has trained the staff to make our coffee they way we both like, strong, with three shots of espresso.

Next we attended a presentation at LCS entitled Driving Lakeside presented by Kevin Paulini, a Canadian who has lived here for sixteen years. He operates Ajijic Legal & Immigration Services and helped us renew our RESIDENTE TEMPORAL after a very upsetting experience with a local Mexican offering this service. We found the presentation helpful and it increased our confidence in our ability to cope with driving in Mexico.

It was particularly useful to learn that insurance agents are the clients’ legal representatives so always call your agent immediately. We learned how to properly make a left turn, very different from the Canadian way. One woman spoke about her experience of being jailed for 48 hours, apparently common practise after an accident and something we hope never happens to us!  Many Mexicans do not follow the rules and it is necessary to drive defensively here.

Today was the day that news quickly spread throughout Lakeside of a Canadian couple murdered in their home in La Floresta. We received two emails about this event which happened yesterday. It is shocking but this can happen anywhere.

Wednesday, February 12

In the morning we walked to a dental office to get our teeth cleaned. At 150 pesos each, it is a real bargain. In the afternoon we went to the cinema at Centro Laguna and saw American Hustle, also a bargain at 50 pesos each.

Thursday, February 13

Today was a stay at home day. The morning began with coffee, Advil and news360 on my iPad.

Pat and I went for a walk shortly after sunrise. I went for a run on the treadmill at the club in the afternoon, something I usually do about twice per week. I made a pot of chili for dinner and it was quite good. 

Friday, February 14

We walked to Ajijic and Pat went to Café Grano while I met with Les Strong, a retired psychologist who has started a practice here and is helping me with my mental health challenges.

Today is Valentine’s Day and there were a number of special events available. The day here celebrates friendships as well and is not exclusively focused on lovers. Earlier in the month we had made reservations at El Quetzal in Chapala which is operated by the well know Ruben who operated Ruben's Grill in Ajijic until a few years ago. Ruben loves to sing and he did so but he is not very good. Much better was Frankie Dino, an obvious stage name chosen because of the songs he sings. The location on the lakefront in Chapala was very nice and the sunset was beautiful. But there were no enough patrons to create any buzz at all. The meal was average at best. This was typical of a Mexican problem: over promise and under deliver. The evening ended awkwardly because we were presented with a bill even though we had bought tickets in advance. It was quickly resolved but this event will not make our list of things to do again.

Saturday, February 15

In the morning we walked to Ajijic and I met Richard Di Castri with whom I have a growing friendship. Pat shops for a while so that we can have our own space and then joins us later own. I am very grateful to have found such a good friendship so soon after moving here.

For dinner in the evening we had been invited by Peter and Deb, a couple from Calgary who now spend winters here. I have known Peter for several years and we were first made aware of each other by Luigi, a barber in Calgary who had heard us both talk about our plans to retire in Mexico. They are a very pleasant couple to visit with and having both lived in Calgary gives us a strong point of connection.

Monday, February 17

Today marked the start of the 12th season of the Scotiabank Northern Lights Music Festival. We attended Alvin’s Adios in the Auditorio de la Ribera. Alvin Tung is a Canadian who plays classical/Spanish guitar and has a very pleasant stage presence. This is truly a world class event that we attended last year and plan to attend every year.

Tuesday, February 18

Our walk this morning was to the Tuesday Market something we do occasionally. One vendor has baked goods that we have grown fond of. But generally I am aggravated by the premium prices charged of organic produce and other products claim health benefits.

I did a considerable amount of writing today for my website. I have planned a section about people I admire. My first posting will be about Warren Buffett, based on the very enjoyable biography I recently finished reading as well as some additional research.

Wednesday, February 19

Today was an opportunity that I had been preparing for for weeks. I regularly attend the Lakeside Freethinkers and I had earlier volunteered to make a presentation entitled Tough Questions for Freethinkers. I am greatly stimulated by researching and thinking and presenting to a group of intelligent, educated and thoughtful people adds excitement. I have posted the prepared text on this website but the spoken version was somewhat shortened. I was quite pleased with my presentation but, as expected, these is not a group that is easy to persuade on any topic. There was an attendance of about 20 and the group leader and I were both pleased with the turnout. 

Friday, February 21

Today we attended an afternoon event in the two week  Scotiabank Northern Lights Music Festival. This time the venue was the Chapala Train Station and wine and snacks were offered before the program began. The performance was Romancing the Flute by Susan Hoeppner and was again at a very high skill level. We really enjoyed it but we thought the program was a bit short.

Sunday, February 23

Today we again went to the Jewish Film Festival, walking as we usually do. Today’s film was “The Gatekeeper”, a documentary about the Israeli security agency. Chilling! This event is definitely on my “Things to do again” list.

In the evening we went back to the Auditorio de la Ribera for our third Northern Lights event and saw a performance unlike anything we had ever seen. The program was entitled “Concerto for One” by Tracy Silverman and it was awesome. He played a six string electric violin concert plus he had a pedal board which included a loop pedal for creating multiple tracks. The result was incredible, far beyond what could be accomplished by a single musician with only a violin.

Concerto for One by Tracy Silverman

 Tuesday, February 25

Today was another two event day. We walked to LCS for a Ted Talk presentation I wanted to see - Sam Harris “Science Can Answer Moral Questions” . This program includes a discussion of the content and, of course, I was eager to participate and of course, I did. The video is not long and I watched it beforehand and prepared some speaking points. I wish I had time to read the books Harris has written although I think I may have some significant differences of opinion with him and his supporters.

In the evening we saw the annual musical at Lakeside Little Theatre - Hooray for Hollywood. The effort was impressive but the voices were not strong and the overall result was okay but not great. However,  LLT performances are good value for money and will remain on our list of things to do. 

Wednesday, February 26

Wednesday morning is when the maid comes and we try to be away from home. We schedule appointments for this time or go out for breakfast or coffee. Once a month we go for haircuts and usually get our vehicle washed at the same time. That is what we did today.

Thursday, February 27

Today we did something that we do about every six weeks; we made a trip to Galerias Mall in Guadalajara. Pat likes shopping there and I am content to sit at a coffee shop and read something on my iPad. I sometimes also take a look at the electronics at Best Buy where I check out what smart TV I would like to buy. These trips have become more enjoyable now that the stress of getting lost is behind us. We also usually enjoy a nice lunch at a very good Italian restaurant. 

Friday, February 28

This morning I had another session with Les Strong. I find it therapeutic to be able to talk freely in a nonjudgmental, supportive sitting even knowing that I am with a paid professional. Actually making changes that reduce the amount of anxiety I feel is a more challenging task. I estimate that about 10% of my days have levels of anxiety that is very unpleasant. But that also means that 90% of my days are quite good and for that I am grateful.

In the evening we went out for dinner at Yves with a couple of new friends, Paul and Sue Seibold.. About a week ago I was in a line to purchase tickets for LLT. A couple behind me introduced themselves and we started to chat. They wanted to meet me because I looked closer to their age while many of the ex-pats look more elderly. We had a lovely evening and they said they would like to invite us to their home in the near future. It is easy to meet people in Lakeside and retired people have plenty of time for visiting. The couple is younger than us but had managed their affairs in a way that facilitated very early retirement. 

February is not a typical month at Lakeside and not for me either. But it does showcase the wide variety of activities that makes this an interesting place to live. February, 2014 was a very good month in my life.