Personal Growth
Communal Engagement
Differing Viewpoints
Personal Responsibility
Good faith feedback and discussion
Relentless Sensemaking
Philosopher’s Sense of Humor
To expand our horizons, we must courageously inquire into the truth. The more we collectively orient ourselves to the truth and deeper understanding, the more of a compass we have for navigating complexity and challenge - both within ourselves and with each other.
By holding to the truth and beauty of mystery, and by not solidifying our beliefs, we leave open the door to new learning and understanding. Take what works for you and leave what doesn’t, remembering that you have the capacity to amplify signal, where you find it, and ignore noise. Remember: Where your attention goes, energy flows.
Take responsibility and be accountable for yourself, for your well-being and your boundaries. Take exquisite care of yourself. Participate at the level that matches where you are moment to moment. Listen for your own edges and limits. We can make agreements together about how we would like to be, but it is up to each of us to care for ourselves as well.
Be kind and compassionate to one another and assume good intent. If that feels too difficult, stay respectful and curious. If that feels too difficult, maintain a safe distance and carry on.
Know your own boundaries and experience of safety. Most of us have trauma, all of us have shadows (known or unknown.) Should you feel triggered, unsafe or hurt, amplify generous self-compassion. Listen in and choose the next step that will best support you.
Aim to be reflective of and sensitive to the differences in our social contexts, our histories, our lands, and our material conditions. As we come from many different parts of the globe, be open and curious about each other’s worlds and the social, spiritual, political, environmental, economic, and historical forces that shape them.
Speak as yourself, not as someone with authority to speak on behalf of a group of people. Be careful about universalizing your experience or making universal statements about all humans, particularly in the use of “we”.
Let us make room to notice our differences, the ones we were born with and the ones that human society has constructed. Let us be kind with each other around our places of pain and ignorance. Let us stay open, gentle, and humble with ourselves and others when things previously outside of our awareness are illuminated.
When a conflict arises - an irritation, a point of tension or friction - within yourself or in relating to others, take note. Notice the level of intensity, the given context, how resourced you feel and your experience of belonging and trust.
Explore being in the space of not knowing what’s needed and not having answers. This might mean softening the urge to fix, solve, or transform our perception of reality. Amplify observing, listening and honoring what is being shared. Notice the impulse to explain, advise, offer solutions, or ‘win’. Discern when to offer in or hold back.
If you strongly disagree with a position, pause. Get curious. Listen in. Inquire: “What’s at stake for me if the other person maintains their opinion? How would it be for me if this difference could not be resolved? Does responding serve my well-being and the well-being of the whole? Does letting go feel like an option and why or why not? What do I perceive they are experiencing?”
If you do choose to respond, are there ways of doing so that invite everyone to stay connected, to think bigger, to reframe the situation, or to bring attention to something that might have been missing?
Remember that various cultures have different ways of communicating and engaging in conflict. Some may be more passive, quiet, or avoidant while others may be more direct, expressive, or assertive.
Our intent as a Moderation Team is to maintain a space in which we can all engage in respectful and generative dialogue and practices. A few things are absolutely not allowed and will be removed.
Generally you will be contacted by the volunteer Moderation Team regarding posts that are not in alignment with our Community Guidelines, and we will seek to understand your intentions and how they could have been communicated more effectively.
You are not expected to be perfect. The goal is to improve and grow our relational and sensemaking skills together. While staying true to the principles and values expressed here and remaining open to feedback, feel free to experiment with ways of expressing yourself and engaging with others. Be as generous as you can with your time, energy and contributions. This is a creative space - the group is what we make it.
Belonging is a process. We look forward to exploring it with you.
This version of this document was created as a collaborative effort by community volunteers on 2021-06-14.