In the Metamodernist/GameB/Liminal space there are common questions and themes.
What is alive for you now? Translated to the language of my generation, Baby Boomers, what are you passionate about?
What is yours to do? Translated, what is your purpose or mission?
Find the others. This, however, does not seem to be a theme of my generation.
Before looking forward, I want to look back over the last couple of years.
In 2020 I discovered Collective Presencing and I was flooded with ideas which I captured as Guiding Questions. As I now reflect on what I wrote back then, I had some good ideas. But they all went nowhere. And that troubles me not one iota. However, I remain open to possibilities.
In 2021 I compiled My Bucket List. There were nineteen items on the list and I have accomplished none of them. And the attitude I expressed in that article has not changed. I have little attachment to these items as goals. A few of them are beginning to fade away and a few of them remain very much alive for me.
And now in 2022 I am flooded with new possibilities which arise from my participation with Emergent Commons. I am very pleased with my Crafting Communitas experience and I feel strongly connected to my crew mates. I am motivated to launch another small crew as a vehicle for building new relationships. And again I have more ideas than time or energy. And by writing these down I clear my head so that I do not spin out of control.
Since discovering Peter Limberg in 2019, I have greatly enjoyed reading his journal entries. There is much in them worthy of deep discussion. This would be enhanced as an experience shared with others.
Most of the Game A world is ripe for serious criticism, but not all. There are plenty of wonderful initiatives that are not connected to the Game B movement, at least not yet. This is fun territory to explore.
I have often experienced profound loneliness, especially as a teenager which I captured in My Diary. Although I am rarely lonely these days, I retain the memory of the feelings. I think I have knowledge and experience which could benefit others.
Thank you Tom for the tag line. It is my belief that in order to live fully now we must all confront our own mortality and the uncertainty of the timing of when we will cease to exist. This is not for those who believe that we will somehow continue forever as part of some form of cosmic consciousness.
EC has considerable diversity, which is good. However, some members are so different from each other that they may seem strange. And some members have skills building bridges. The idea is to organize triads of two different people plus a bridge builder with the intent of strengthening the EC community. All triad participants would join a crew to help guide the process. I do not have the skill or temperament to be a bridge, but I would be willing to be a participant.
I am a member of five Mighty Network Groups plus a bunch on Discord but I am only active at Emergent Commons. However, I have some interest in what is happening in other Groups. There could be liaison officers between groups. An EC Crew could be a gathering place for such liaison officers.
My vision is a platform for connecting all the average and ordinary people in the Metamodernist/GameB/Liminal movement. We have anathema for Facebook and Mighty Networks leaves much to be desired. This is not my work to do. But a Crew could help me develop my ideas a little bit further. We could brainstrom. And we could put some effort into discovering promising developments elsewhere.
Beyond launching a new Crew, I am also considering joining the EC volunteer group, perhaps as a Greeter.
Increasingly, my desire is to move forward in collaboration with others rather than with individual effort. So I remain hopeful that others will emerge that are energized by my ideas. I want the energy of others to help guide my direction. Or I will discover initiatives by others that energize me. And whatever develops, it must appeal to both my head and my heart, feel right in both my body and soul.
Finally, there is one more possibility that is alive for me. DO NOTHING, at least nothing new, nothing more than what I am doing now. I will continue to read books and write book reports. I will continue to absorb information from the liminal space, which is much like drinking from a fire hose. I will continue to build my website, The Life of John Stokdijk. I will continue to write My Essays. My life is full as it is.