On October 15, 2023, I posted the following in my NOT GAME A crew at Emergent Commons.


Using my personal chain of trust, which I will not take the time to explain, I found Tom Morgan and his personal journey to NOT GAME A (in life, not in this Crew).

Today I want to share a few thoughts inspired by his article and, importantly, how I apply this to Emergent Commons at this critical time.

When I launched this Crew, I realized I had been inappropriately projecting my desires onto EC. I wanted EC to be all about the SPACE and the MOVEMENT. Realizing my mistake,  I pulled back into the safety of this Crew. Today I am again projecting my desires onto EC. However, I am now doing so with much greater awareness and with transparency. And it is also my desire to influence the future direction of EC and bring back the Magic.

You can start to participate in the belief by following your curiosity. Through cultivating your intuition and discernment you can get more accurate feedback from the world. But you first need to believe synchronicities are real, before you can allow the coincidences to guide you.

When I moved from Calgary to Ajijic, I gave away about 80% of my books. One book I shipped here was The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World Views by Richard Tarnas. But it just sat untouched on my bookshelf, until recently. Lately, I began seeing a growing number of references to this remarkable book, including here at EC. The last footnote in Tom Morgan's article reads,

“The driving impulse of the West's masculine consciousness has been its dialectical quest not only to realize itself, to forge its own autonomy, but also, finally, to recover its connection with the whole, to come to terms with the great feminine principle in life: to differentiate itself from but then rediscover and reunite with the feminine, with the mystery of life, of nature, of soul… The telos, the inner direction and goal, of the Western mind has been to reconnect with the cosmos in a mature participation mystique, to surrender itself freely and consciously in the embrace of a larger unity that preserves human autonomy while also transcending human alienation.”- Tarnas in the epilogue of The Passion of the Western Mind, the last 4 pages are dynamite.

This morning I read the preface to the Epilogue, very powerful words. And I read the final section, Bringing It All Back Home which is, as Morgan states, dynamite. But what does all this have to do with EC?

I feel a tension between the masculine spirit and the feminine spirit at EC. Most of the masculine energy I would describe as Healthy Masculinity, although there does seem to be a little bit of Toxic Masculinity here and there, once in a while. I feel a lot of Healthy Femininity at EC, with some of it rising at this time. I feel very little Toxic Femininity at EC. To be clear, it is not my desire to rid EC of this tension.


I want diversity at EC, but not unbounded diversity. Some spirits are incompatible with well-being and thriving. But that is a different discussion. And I do want to retain the Healthy Masculine. However, without question and without apology, I want the feminine spirit to continue rising at EC and to become the strongest spirit in our organization.

 I realize that I am once again projecting my desires. I am prepared to let this desire fade away, as desires often do. But in the next couple of months, I will also do what I can for this desire to be actualized at EC.

The last paragraph of The Passion..., published in 1991, reads,

Today we are experiencing something that looks very much like the death of modern man, indeed that looks very much like the death of Western man. Perhaps the end of “man” himself is at hand. But man is something that must be overcome - and fulfilled, in the embrace of the feminine.