UNKNOWINGS - An Invitation

about the joys and sorrows of fessing up to how little we really know



Open to all Emergent Commons members


However, these are secondary intentions providing a focus while we build stronger connections. 

We will seek a shared reality as we make sense of the world through unknowings.

We will gather as a Crew on Zoom on an ad hoc basis from time to time.


Why is as important as what. We will do this in service to each other, to Emergent Commons, to the Game B/Metamoderist/Liminal movement and, ultimately, in service to all life on earth. This is not as grandiose as it sounds, just one tiny insignificant project among many, but hopefully it will become special for the participants. 


How is as important as what and why. There is much in so-called We-Spaces to guide us such as authentic relating, dialogos and circling. Personally, I am particularly inspired by the book Collective Presencing by Ria Baeck. Ideally, something will emerge from this collective experience that is greater than the sum of individual contributions. Or not.

Intuitively, I am inclined to start cautiously, building trust, establishing boundaries, enhancing the sovereignty and agency of each other. Although what I have in mind is definitely not group therapy, I like the approach of Gregg Henrequies to psychotherapy:

The therapeutic alliance is itself formed by three related, but also somewhat separate elements. The first element is the quality of the relationship; its levels of warmth, trust, degree of mutual respect, and the client’s general sense that the therapist has the skills and capacity to help and thus results in an early, hopeful attitude about the work. I see humans as having a core need to be known and valued by important others, and many individuals lack the basic experience of being valued for who they are or have no idea how to value themselves. As such, for some, the experience of being valued by a respected other can have healing properties. In addition, individuals filter their thoughts and feelings, both publicly from others and privately from themselves, especially if they are feeling disconnected or judged. This means it is crucial to have a working relationship that is intimate, open, and honest and cultivates authentic communication 

Alexander Beiner inspired me with his recent article, The Story Behind My New Book: Desire, Failure and DMT, recently published by Rebel Wisdom. He is very concerned about our Fractured Reality and is deeply exploring the use of psychedelics as a path to a shared reality. His path is not for me but his objective resonates with me.

DMT is one of the most powerful psychedelics, and it has a particularly metaphysical mystique to it… many people describe it as one of the most profound, strange and sometimes terrifying experiences of their lives.Some report traveling out of their bodies, visiting intricate other worlds populated by seemingly independent entities. Sometimes the entities are friendly, sometimes aggressive, almost always inexplicably weird. A lot of people report life-changing personal and metaphysical insights. DMT can bring us into a deep sense of connection with reality, and many say their experience felt ‘more real than real’. 

I believe a skilful application of these peak experiences might have the power to connect us to what I feel we’re lacking most: a shared reality. Not by removing us from the messiness of human division through a metaphysical or technological escape, but by bringing us deep into our shared humanity and the essential wisdom hidden within it. To a profound and authentic relatedness. To ourselves, to one another, and to the rest of nature. 

One theme that’s emerging as essential to the message of the book is the question of what it means to come back to a shared reality together. A sense of underlying coherence that can hold us through the madness of the meaning crisis and a post-truth world. That feels like something that can only be explored through a collective inquiry.

The first year of Emergent Commons surprised me, revealing more diversity than I naively expected. Clearly, we do not all make sense the same way, nor need we. Upon reflection, our differences contribute to something bigger and better. Unknowings is offering a path that I have not seen much of at EC, and it is not for everyone. We need many paths but I hope that some EC members will want to walk with me on this one.

Will the second year of Emergent Commons be a fractured reality or a shared reality?


Crafting Communitas - Reflections

Do Something, Do Nothing

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I am Unique

My Spiritual Journey