Game~B is a memetic tag that aggregates a myriad of visions, projects and experiments that model potential future civilisational forms. The flag on the hill for Game~B is an anti-fragile, scalable, increasingly omni-win-win civilisation. This is distinct from our current rivalrous Game A civilisation that is replete with destructive externalities and power asymmetries that produce existential risk. Yet Game~B is not a prescriptive ideology (or an ideology at all): while the eyes of Game~B players may be fixed on the same flag, the hills are multitudes and the flag sits atop each, and no player individually is equipped to map a route in advance.
This list has 52 names at this time, 17 that I recognize including a few that I had already been following closely - Robert Wright, Jordan Hall and John Vervaeke. Last year (2019) I was inspired by the phrase Find the Others. Now I am finding people which interest me at a faster rate than I can keep up with. But I will keep exploring in this direction. I am looking forward to a time when a significant Game A player moves to Game B, but I do not optimistic that this will happen in my lifetime.
I was delighted to see Robert Wright on the list of people playing Game B. I am a regular reader of his NONZERO newsletter and the title captures a key principle. Game A is win/lose, +1 -1 = 0 and this is the way the world works most of the time. Game B is win/win, +1 +1 = 2, nonzero, and this is the game we need to play.
I began exploring and googled the first name on the list, Art Brock and soon found his website which looks very interesting. I found his articles on Medium, read a few of them and was impressed. I like his tag line, (Culture hacker, software architect, & targeted currencies geek… Building bridges to the next economy & network society.)
Another name that I see from time to time is Bret Weinstein. I soon found his podcast, The DarkHorse Podcast. At the time I am writing this I see 17 podcasts produced since the start of the coronavirus crisis, another resource that I want to check out.
On The DarkHorse Podcast, we will explore questions that matter, with tools that work. Many episodes will be long form discussions. Some guests will be well known, others obscure, but all of them chosen because they have demonstrated unusual insight. Other episodes of the Dark Horse Podcast will be solo-missions in which Bret dives into issues alone, using an evolutionary lens to reveal patterns in nature--including human-nature. The state and future of civilization will be recurring theme, so buckle up!
Exploring further, Helena Norberg-Hodge led me to This too looks interesting. In fact, there is no one on the Game B list who has not impressed me after a first look.
I hope to find some time to attend some of The Rebel Wisdom Festival on May 30th & 31st. Of the 28 Speakers & Facilitators listed, I recognize 10 of them, Game B players. Once again I am overwhelmed by the exploring yet to do.
A free online festival of rebellious ideas and profound experiences. Join some of the world's most pioneering minds as we find new ways to make sense together, experiment and build the future.
I am impressed with metamodernism and Game B. But I want to remain open minded and I want to consider critical and opposing opinions. I am looking for a wide variety of points of view.
When I wrote My Worldview Resources - Metamodernism I included a 5 part series about the “Rise of the Emergentsia, an open-source community of sagacious speakers attuned to a new stage of global evolution” written by Brent Cooper. So when I noticed his article, Game B(ullshit)?, I did not want to just read it, I wanted to carefully consider it and record my thoughts.
Game B(ullshit)? by Brent Cooper
In any case, we should be very cautious—if not cynical—about boyish dreams of trying to engineer a new civilization— knowing the human propensity for war, corruption, and the omnicidal (rather than omni-win/win) behavior that is our speciality.
Game B should be a renaissance not revolution...
Unlike a few years ago, I am unconvinced by a need for renaissance rather than revolution. However, Sweeny's short article makes a point worth considering and I like his tone. However, I understand Game B players as advocating for shift from Game A to Game B over many years, not a revolution.
On Jun 15 Brent Cooper posted an article entitled The World That’s Emerging. Unlike with his previous article, I will not make many comments on this one. It seems to me to be a rant against people whom I have come to respect.
Finally, here’s the real jaw-dropper: that the platforms on “both-sides” are just “work arounds” that avoid the “systems-level change” we need. But Bernie’s platform was systems change. It still is, if it is adopted. The Green New Deal and Medicare for All are precisely the foundation that guarantees jobs, public health, fair wages, renewable energy, and more, even enabling bottom-up innovation, they type of things Roy is aspiring to. Not only is Roy saying “both-sides” as in Democrats and Republicans are equally flawed, but she’s collapsing Bernie and everyone else on the left into the Democrat side; which is a gross misrepresentation of political reality. If anybody has been wondering why I loathe Bonnitta Roy as a thinker, why she deserved to be roasted and critiqued, these are the reasons (as well as how she has treated me personally).
This paragraph reinforces my view that Cooper does not understand that which he is criticizing.
January 13, 2020
In this essay, I’m going to lay out a set of ideas about a long term path for GameB to become a civilization level social operating system.